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06.10 2015, IS, Dark Ages (DAVID X) meeting, title: Unveiling the present and the origin of the cosmo- logical large-scale structure, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy

28.09 2015, IS, 4MOST meeting, title: The 4MOST cosmology survey, Cambridge, UK

21.07 2015, CT, eBOSS meeting, title: Joint density, peculiar velocity and power spectrum inference from galaxy surveys, Madrid, Spain

20.07 2015, KS, Theoretical and Observational Progress on the Large-scale Structure of the Universe, title: Modelling and inferring the cosmological large-scale structure, Garching, Germany

12.06 2015, IS, EUCLID Meeting, title: BAO reconstruction WG, Lausanne, Swiss

06.04 2015, IS, Institute’s seminar, title: title: Modelling and inferring the cosmological large-scale structure, IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

20.02 2015, IS, EUCLID Leads Meeting at Royal Astronomical Society, title: BAO reconstruction WG, London, UK

21.01 2015, IS, MPI Gravitationsphysik seminar, title: Modelling and inferring the cosmological large-scale structure, Golm, Germany

22.08 2014, IS, CLUES meeting, title: Reconstruction of the initial conditions of the Universe, AIP, Potsdam, Germany

05-09.06 2014, Euclid consortium meeting, Marseille, France

2014, CT, IAU meeting, Challenges in data analysis of the cosmological large scale structure of the 21st century, Lisboa, Portugal

17-21.02 2014, IS+SOC+LOC, Tracing the cosmic web, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands

11.12.2013, CT, BOSS meeting , title: Reconstruction of the Large Scale Structure from Galaxy Redshift Surveys, Berkeley, USA

30.10 2013, IS, de Pais a Pais: Alemania, title: Del origen cósmico a las estructuras actuales del universo, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia

10.11 2013, CT, eRosita meeting, title: Large-Scale Structure Reconstruction from X-ray Clusters, Munich, Germany

09.11 2013, IS, BigMultiDark Simulations (MultiDark meeting), title: Modeling Structure Formation with Perturbation Theory, IFT, Madrid, Spain

30.09 2013, IS, J-PAS meeting, title: Large-Scale Structure Reconstruction from Photometric Redshift Surveys, Teruel, Spain

02.07 2013, IS, Large-Scale Structure, title: Phase-space reconstruction of the LSS, ETH, Ascona, Switzerland

05.06 2013, IS, Cosmic Flows – Observations and Simulations, title: Phase-space reconstruction of the LSS, Marseille, France

28.01 2013, IS, HITS Kolloquium,title: Unveiling the Initial Conditions and Structure of the Universe, Heidelberg, Germany

21.11 2012, IS, Dark Ages (DAVID VI) meeting, title: Unveiling the structure and initial conditions of the Universe, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy

15.11 2012, IS+SOC, 4MOST meeting, title: 4MOST a galaxy redshift survey, AIP, Potsdam, Germany

15–19.10 2012, IS+SOC+LOC, Structure of the Cosmic Web meeting, title: Unveiling the structure and initial conditions of the Universe, AIP, Potsdam, Germany

21.09 2012, IS, Tuorla–Tartu meeting on cosmology, title: Unveiling the structure and initial conditions of the Universe, Tuorla, Finnland

07.07 2012, IS, Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG13), title: Unveiling the Cosmic Web with Bayesian Perturbation Theory, Stockholm, Sweden

24.04 2012, IS, IFT-MPA Workshop on Large-Scale Structure, title: Reconstructing the Cosmic Web with Bayesian Perturbation Theory, Madrid, Spain

20.12 2011, IS+SC, Cosmic Flows: Myth, Reality, and Prospects, title: Undoing gravity with Bayesian reconstruction methods and Eulerian-Lagrangian perturbation theory, Haifa, Israel

17.10 2011, IS, Dark Ages (DAVID V) meeting, title: Tracing Cosmological Structures back in time, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy

06.06 2011, IS, Constrained Local Universe Simulations (CLUES) meeting, title: From galaxy surveys to the initial conditions and to peculiar velocity fields, Brighton, UK

24–25.01 2011, EUCLID meeting, Garching, Germany

10.09 2010, IS, Symposium on Cosmology and cosmological structure formation (candidate for a Junior Professorship), University of Goettingen, Germany

06.05 2010, CT, Astronomical Data Analysis, title: Non-Gaussian clustering field statistics, Monastir, Tunisia

30.03 2010, CT, 5th Iberian cosmology meeting, Porto, Portugal

14.10 2009, IS, Dark Ages (DAVID III) meeting, Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy

14.10 2008, IS, Dark Ages (DAVID II) meeting, Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy

17.08 2008, CT, Workshop on Cosmological Large–Scale Structure, title: Joint reconstruction of the Cosmological density field, the peculiar velocity field and the power–spectrum, Pune, India

27.11 2007, IS, Seminario en el Centro de Astrobiología, title: Core-collapse supernova explosions, CAB, Madrid, Spain

02.10 2007, CT, TR33–Symposium: Conference on The Dark Universe, title: Bayesian reconstruction of the Large–Scale Structure, Bonn, Germany

12.07 2007, CT, Conference on Data Analysis in Cosmology, title: Bayesian reconstruction of the Large–Scale Structure, Santander, Spain

21-23.02.2007, CT+SOC+LOC, First Young Researchers' Trans Regio Dark Energy (TR33) workshop, Munich, Germany

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S E L E C T E D    T A L K S    A N D    C O N F E R E N C E S

KS  Keynote Speaker

IS  Invited Speaker

CT  Contributed Talk

CM  Chair Man

SC  Summary of conference

SOC Scientific Organizing Committee

LOC Local Organizing Committee


>40 Talks at international conferences in 19 countries since 2007

>25 Invited speaker talks since 2007

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