Francisco-Shu Kitaura
Cosmologist & Astrophysicist & Data Analyst & Statistician

Euclid is an ESA medium class astronomy and astrophysics space mission to be launched 2020, equipped with a 1.2 m diameter Silicon Carbide (SiC) mirror telescope made by Airbus Defence and Space feeding 2 instruments, VIS and NISP, built by the Euclid Consortium : a high quality panoramic visible imager (VIS), a near infrared 3-filter (Y, J and H) photometer (NISP-P) and a slitless spectrograph (NISP-S).
Since summer 2014 I am co-leader together with
Prof. Nikhil Padmanabhan of the BAO reconstruction working group. If you belong to one of the participating institutions, and are interested in this project, please contact me.
The SDSS-III's Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) is an ongoing project using a 2.5m telescope at the Apache Point Observatory.
I work here on mock galaxy production(some of my collaborators with the Patchy code are Francisco Prada, Chia-Hsun Chuang) and data analysis (some of my collaborators here are Mark Neyrinck ...)
The 4MOST consortium has been selected by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to provide the ESO community with a fibre-fed spectroscopic survey facility on the VISTA telescope with a large enough field-of-view to survey a large fraction of the southern sky in a few years.
I was the scientific coordinator of the BAO science case in phase A producing the mock catalogues to study the potential of 4MOST for large-scale structure studies and have been appointed in November 2014 to be the PI of the cosmology science case.
J-PAS is a new astronomical facility at Javalambre in Teruel (Spain) using 56 bands with a 2.5m telescope.
I collaborate here on data analysis methods for the large-scale structure from photo-metric surveys with Raul E. Angulo, Carlos Hernandez Monteagudo, Raul Abramo, ...
Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection (MultiDark) is a Spanish Project supported by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiviness.
I collaborate here on modeling the large scale structure and the relation between the dark matter distribution and the biased tracers. My collaborators here include Gustavo Yepes and Francisco Prada.
Dark Ages VIrtual Department
A collaboration network for the study of Cosmology and the high redshift Universe
I collaborate here with the group of Andrea Ferrara to study the large-scale structure from high redshift sources like the Lyman-alpha forest.
Constrained Local UniversE Simulations